Interested in becoming a member of NIIAS?
Full Membership is open to those holding a Degree/Higher National Diploma (or equivalent level) in agriculture or associated disciplines or a Degree/Higher National Diploma or equivalent level in other disciplines and are/have been employed in the agri-food industry.
Student Membership is open to: Undergraduate or Higher National Diploma students (or equivalent level) in their final year of study of qualifications as above. Student membership does not afford full member rights and privileges. Associate Membership is open to: Those who are/have been employed in the agri-food industry who do not hold an approved qualification (as above) but who the Executive Committee deem appropriate to be able to bring benefit to the institute in the delivery of its purpose. Associate membership does not afford full member rights and privileges. |
Membership currently costs £20 per year and if you wish to join, please complete and submit the online application form below (scroll down).
For further information, contact |
Bank Transfer
Please set up NIIAS as a ‘Regular Payee’ of £20 to be paid annually on the date you are setting up the bank transfer. NIIAS details are: Sort Code: 98-09-60 and Account Number: 45573012. Please add your name as the reference detail. OR Standing Order Information Please complete the banker’s order document (pdf/word) attached below and print out and return to your own bank.